Is Social Media Worth It For Lead Gen?

The short answer is no, but with some caveats.

Why Doesn’t Social Media Work?

People aren’t using social media channels to find therapists, but they are using them to find information.  So if you are posting on instagram, snapchat, facebook, and twitter with relevant articles, guides, etc, great.  Over time they may see you as a high quality source of information, which may lead to a new client.

But most often, when it comes to private, personal issues, people do not publicly share their issues on social platforms.

So!  You’ll be able to generate clout, expand your network, and get links to your website through social media.  Indirectly this will help you rise in the ranks of Google and other search engines which will help you generate more people to your website.

But do not expect people to convert to a new client because of the inspirational quotes on your instagram.

Again:  social media will help within your professional network, not for generating leads.

What Should I Focus On?

You should optimize your website for Search Engines, create convincing calls to action for potential clients, and make sure you are constantly up to date with your online profiles on Psychology Today, Good Therapy, etc.

Make sure you have many clear ways people can contact you, make sure to answer your inquiries immediately, and dot your i’s and cross your t’s when it comes to your online presence.

These will be the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to online marketing.

What About Offline Marketing?

Focus on networking with doctors, other therapists with different specialties, and consider getting in-network with insurance panels for a free flow of clients.

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