Mental Health CPT Code Cheat Sheet [2025]

Download your free Mental Health CPT Code Cheat Sheet created by TheraThink, a mental health insurance billing service.

CPT is an acronym for Current Procedural Terminology and a CPT code is a 5-digit number code signifying the types of services you’re providing as a health service provider.  Our behavioral health CPT code cheat sheet gives you a short list of the most used codes.

mental health cpt code cheat sheet 2025

Out of thousands of possible CPT codes, mental health services only span 24 in total.   So use our behavioral health cpt code cheat sheet to pick the ones relevant to your situation.

Things can definitely get tricky when specifically coding for complex situations, out of business hours, in crisis, for extended sessions, for phone sessions or sessions in a variety of locations, and so forth.

We have offer mental health billing services exclusively for behavioral health providers.   Reach out to find out how we can offload this whole nightmare for you.

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Mental Health CPT Code Cheat Sheet Download

We created a CPT Code Cheat Cheat in PDF format for you:

Mental Health CPT Code Cheat Sheet [2025]

Download the Mental Health CPT Code Cheat Sheet here! [Long Version]

LPC procedure codes cheat sheet


Consider Outsourcing Your Insurance Billing

We translate the gibberish that is medical billing into English for you.  We do your eligibility and benefit verification phone calls to figure out if you can see the new client that you want to see.  You don’t have time for that call.  We are very good at that call.

We do all of your claims submission, follow up, appeals, rejections, fixing, refiling, and EOB accounting / payment accounting as well.

Statements, a calendar, send your clients text or email appointment reminders, and more are included.

Learn how you can offload your billing headache with our mental health insurance billing service.  (You can track cash clients as well, for free of course).

Our Definitive Guide to Mental Health CPT Codes

Take your expertise to the next level by reviewing our Definitive Guide to Mental Health CPT codes.

The most common CPT Codes used by Mental Health Therapists:

Intake CPT Codes:

  • 90791 ­ Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation (usually just one/client is covered)
  • 90792 ­ Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation with medical services (usually just one/client is covered)

Therapy CPT Codes:

  • 90832 ­ Psychotherapy, 30 minutes (16­-37 minutes)
  • 90834 ­ Psychotherapy, 45 minutes (38­-52 minutes)
  • 90837 ­ Psychotherapy, 60 minutes (53 minutes and over)
  • 90846 ­ Family or couples psychotherapy, without patient present
  • 90847 ­ Family or couples psychotherapy, with patient present
  • 90853 ­ Group Psychotherapy (not family)


  • 90839 ­ Psychotherapy for crisis, 60 minutes (30-­74 minutes)
  • +90840 ­ Add­on code for an additional 30 minutes (75 minutes and over). Used in conjunction with 90839

CPT Code Reimbursement Rates

These rates are for Medicare and do not represent a guarantee of payment from any company, rather this is public data published by annotating a national rate schedule for mental health CPT codes.

CPT CodeDescriptionMedicare Reimbursement Rates 2024Medicare Reimbursement Rates 2025
90791Psychological Diagnostic Evaluation$169.29$166.91
90792Psychological Diagnostic Evaluation with Medication Management$190.57$187.93
90832Individual Psychotherapy, 30 Minutes$76.95$78.93
90833Individual Psychotherapy with Evaluation and Management Services, 30 minutes$70.73$72.78
90834Individual Psychotherapy, 45 Minutes$101.51$104.16
90836Individual Psychotherapy with Evaluation and Management Services, 45 minutes$89.39$92.51
90837Individual Psychotherapy, 60 Minutes$149.64$154.29
90838Individual Psychotherapy with Evaluation and Management Services, 60 minutes$118.53$122.92
90839Individual Crisis Psychotherapy initial 60 min$144.07$148.47
90840Individual Crisis Psychotherapy initial 60 min, each additional 30 min$71.38$72.78
Family psychotherapy (without the patient present), 50
90847Family psychotherapy (conjoint psychotherapy) (with
patient present), 50 minutes
90849Multiple-family group psychotherapy$41.09$37.52
90853Group psychotherapy (other than of a multiple-family group)$27.63$28.14
99201Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, New PatientNot coveredNot covered
99202Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, New Patient$71.06$69.87
99203Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, New Patient$109.69$109.01
99204Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, New Patient$164.38$163.35
99205Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, New Patient$216.77$215.75
99211Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, Established Patient$22.92$22.64
99212Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, Established Patient$55.67$54.99
99213Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, Established Patient$89.39$88.95
99214Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, Established Patient$126.07$125.18
99215Evaluation and Management Services, Outpatient, Established Patient$177.47$175.64
99354Prolonged ServicesNot coveredNot covered
99355Prolong Services with E/MNot coveredNot covered
96105Assessment of aphasia and cognitive performance$94.30$93.80
96112Developmental testing administration by a physician or qualified health care professional, 1st hr$121.81$127.12
96113Developmental testing administration by a physician or qualified health care professional, each additional hour$58.94$53.37
96116Neurobehavioral status exam performed by a physician or qualified health professional, first hour$90.37$88.63
96121Neurobehavioral status exam performed by a physician or qualified health professional, additional hour$73.67$72.78
96125Standardized cognitive performance test administered by health care professional$100.53$99.63
96127Brief emotional and behavioral assessment$4.58$4.53
96130Psychological testing and evaluation by a physician or qualified health care professional, first hour$117.88$117.42
96131Psychological testing and evaluation by a physician or qualified health care professional, each additional hour$84.15$82.81
96132Neuropsychological testing and evaluation by a physician or qualified health care professional, first hour$126.07$125.18
96133Neuropsychological testing and evaluation by a physician or qualified health care professional, each additional hour$95.61$93.48
96136Neuropsychological or psychological test administration and scoring by a physician or qualified health care professional, first hour$40.93$40.76
96137Neuropsychological or psychological test administration and scoring by a physician or qualified health care professional, each additional hour$37.00$35.90
96138Neuropsychological or psychological test administration and scoring by a technician, first hour$33.73$33.64
96139Neuropsychological or psychological test administration and scoring by a technician, each additional hour$34.71$33.64


  1. Tamara G. Suttle October 16, 2014 at 6:08 am #

    Thanks so much, Denny, for sharing this with your readers and mine, too!


  2. Ben September 28, 2017 at 11:06 am #

    Im a psychologist here in LA. Most of my sessions are 55-1 hour. Medicare I was told will likely audit if we bill 90837 vs 45 minute code is that true in your experience? so even though I have only 4 medicare patients I dont bill 90837 even though the sessions suit that code because I dont want the hassle of getting audited. Please advise, would be much appreciated.


    • Denny June 20, 2018 at 11:44 am #

      That is not true based on our experience. Best to always bill the most accurate CPT code and diagnosis no matter what as that is what prevents fraudulent billing and will help you IF there were to ever be an audit. But no, we’ve never had any audit issues with 90837.


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