HIPAA Compliant Telehealth Video Therapy

Telehealth video therapy requires three things for HIPAA regulations to be upheld:

  • Fully encrypted data transmission
  • Peer-to-peer secure network connections
  • No storage of video

As always, you will need a Business Associates Agreement to be signed with your clients.  Normal phone calls that are not recorded are allowed for HIPAA compliant communication.   Likewise when a telephone call is made, that health care provider must provide their names and contact details in the patent to legally identify themselves.  Source

There are many video conferencing platforms but not all of them fit the requirements of HIPAA.

At TheraThink, we recommend telehealth video sessions using  Doxy.Me.  Doxy.me is a HIPAA compliant telehealth video conferencing tool that ensures you are up to current HIPAA regulations.  Nothing is stored.  It’s free!

We suggest Doxy.me because they are easy to use and HIPAA compliant.

Here is a video on how they work!:

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