BIRP Notes PDF Template for Mental Health Providers [PDF Download]

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What are BIRP Notes?

BIRP Notes is a method of note taking using the acronym BIRP which stands for Behavior, Intervention, Response, Plan.

BIRP Notes are a way of recording medical or clinical information and notes through a common methodology of note-taking.  Mental health providers will find BIRP notes beneficial for creating treatment plan documentation in particular.

BIRP notes are similar to SOAP notes but focus more on the client’s behavior, the therapist’s interventions, the client’s response to these interventions, and the plan for future sessions.

BIRP notes templateWhat does BIRP stand for?

Behavior, Intervention, Response, Plan

BIRP Notes Template Outline:

Behavior (B)

Definition: This section captures the client’s behavior during the therapy session. It’s focused on observable and measurable actions, expressions, and statements made by the client.

Content: It includes descriptions of the client’s verbal and non-verbal behaviors, mood, affect, and any other notable behaviors observed during the session.

Purpose: The behavior section provides an objective basis for the therapy session. It helps in understanding the client’s current state and how they are presenting and reacting in the therapeutic setting.

Examples: Behaviors noted might include the client appearing distracted, discussing a recent life event, showing signs of anxiety, or demonstrating improvement in mood.

Intervention (I)

Definition: This part documents the specific interventions, techniques, or strategies employed by the therapist during the session.

Content: It can include the type of therapeutic approach used, specific exercises or discussions, and any homework or tasks assigned.

Purpose: The intervention section explains what the therapist did in response to the client’s behavior and how they are working to address the client’s needs.

Examples: Interventions might involve cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness exercises, exploring a past experience, or setting a task for the client to complete before the next session.

Response (R)

Definition: This segment details the client’s response to the interventions implemented by the therapist.

Content: It includes the client’s reactions, both during and after the interventions, and any changes in their behavior, thoughts, or emotions.

Purpose: Documenting the client’s response helps in assessing the effectiveness of the interventions and understanding the client’s process.

Examples: Responses could range from showing a new insight, expressing relief or discomfort, or failing to engage with a suggested strategy.

Plan (P)

Definition: The plan section outlines the proposed course of action following the session.

Content: This includes the next steps in therapy, future goals, any adjustments to the treatment plan, and tasks or homework for the client.

Purpose: The plan ensures continuity of care by setting clear objectives and expectations for future sessions.

Examples: Plans might involve scheduling the next session, setting a goal to practice a new skill, or planning to discuss a specific topic in more detail.

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