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Archive by Author
5 Essential Tweaks to Increase New Client Inquiries on Your Mental Health Website
 The following guide’s aim is to help private practice therapists improve their website to achieve maximal referrals from your online mental health website. Not all websites are created equally.  Think today vs ten years ago. Have you taken a look at your website analytics recently, only to discover that despite the 50 new […]
Stop Losing New Clients! Principles For Better Mental Health Client Acquisition
Struggling to “convert” new prospective clients into regular, lasting clients? Banging your head against the wall because you feel like your PsychologyToday profile markets you as an invisible ant in an anthill? New clients aren’t getting back? This article will review critical principles mental health therapists must master to dramatically improve behavioral health client acquisition. […]
How to Find & Connect with Relevant Mental Health Therapists: Advanced SEO Tactics for Behavioral Health Professionals
Learn how to use Google’s Advanced Search Operators to find the best websites and bloggers to connect with and grow your presence online through link building and guest blog posting. Struggling to find other mental health therapist bloggers out there to connect with? Â Perhaps you’re looking to publish a guest blog post on another therapist’s […]
How to Check Deductibles in 2015 + PDF Script

Use the following phone script to call insurance companies and check mental health deductible information for 2015. [gview file=””]
The 5 Biggest Private Practice Mistakes to Avoid in 2015 (And How To Avoid Them!)

Welcome to 2015!  With the New Year comes new learnings, challenges, and opportunities for personal and career growth.  Before we focus on what to do in 2015, let’s make sure you know what to avoid, what not to do, when focusing on your private practice. #1:  Charging Less Than Your Full-Fee It sounds obvious, it sounds […]
How to Charge More as a Private Practice Therapist: The Consultant Mindset
In 5 subsections, this article aims to shift your thinking as a budding private practice therapist about your pricing and fees from a guilt-ridden perspective of “unfair financial burden” to a perspective of meritocratic value exchange.  We’ll use the example of a business consultant to better understand WHY you should charge ALL of your full-fee with your […]
How to Create a Free, Beautiful Therapist Website with WordPress [Video Guide]
Learn how to create a free blog to use as your therapy website. Watch our video tutorial to learn how! Does your therapy website look like it was born in 1990? Does your website service provide “free content” (the same content that exists on all the other therapy websites under the same host)? Do […]
Problem Solve Electronic Claims with PracticeMate & OfficeAlly
Watch our video guide below (and preview our upcoming billing course) that teaches you how to problem solve all electronic claims using PracticeMate or OfficeAlly. We also walk you through our “Billing Process” page which teaches you the basics of how billing electronically works. Learn How to Problem Solve Electronic Claims The Slides! PDF DOWNLOAD […]
Change Your Relationship with Your “Job”

It sounds almost impossible. Â Actually manage to enjoy doing your own billing? Yet, at TheraThink, within our billing service we literally have a different mindset about helping therapists figure out all this stuff. We embrace the importance of billing. You need to too. We’re going to walk through how you can embrace billing and “your […]